Europe: Germany
Despite the dense population, Germany is one of the most game and species-rich countries in Europe. Nowhere else will you find so many different game species that you can hunt.
Experience guided hunts on trophy stags, small game hunts and perfectly organized and executed hunts with K & K Premium Hunt! We offer you personally tested and good hunting grounds, in which fair chase and sustainability are capitalized.
Informations Germany
The Federal Republic of Germany is a federal republic in Central Europe, with the capital Berlin. Germany consists of 16 individual federal states and is a free-democratic and social state of law.
Covering an area of 357,164.94 km², 80.716 million people live, which means that 226 inhabitants live per km². This makes Germany one of the densely populated territorial states.
In the north, Germany is bordered by the North and Baltic Seas and in the south by the Alps.
As a founding member of the European Union, as well as its most populous country, Germany belongs to a monetary union, the Eurozone. Looking at the gross domestic product, Germany is the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest in the world.
In Germany there are about 80 big cities, which have more than 100,000 inhabitants.